Andrew Feldman Poker

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Andrew Feldman Poker

Andrew Feldman, Self: Poker Den: The Big Game. Total life earnings: $1,030,543. Latest cash: $2,837 on 23-Feb-2012. Click here to see the details of Andrew Feldman's 35 cashes.

Andrew feldman poker 2020
Andrew Feldman
Tempat tinggalLondon, Inggris
Lahir16 Juli1987 (umur 33)
Watford, Inggris
World Series of Poker
Jumlah gelangTidak ada
Meja terakhirTidak ada kali
Mendapat uang1 kali
Meja terakhirkali.
Mendapat uangkali.
European Poker Tour
Meja terakhir1 kali.
Mendapat uang4 kali.
Informasi akurat per 2012.

Andrew Feldman merupakan seorang pemain poker dari Inggris.

Ia berhasil memenangkan World Series Poker dan beberapa turnamen poker di Inggris.[1] Awal mulanya, ia terobsesi untuk bermain poker daring di usianya yang baru menginjak 18 tahun dan akhirnya membuat ia menjadi kecanduan.[2]

Sempat terdengar kabar buruk dari dirinya bahwa saat di usianya ke-27 tahun, Feldman suka hidup dalam dunia foya-foya dan ia pernah merasakan kehilangan segalanya. Cukup beruntung, ia dapat berhasil keluar dari sisi buruknya dan kembali ke dunia poker sehingga membuat ia kembali berjaya bahkan dengan penghasilan yang lebih besar lagi.[butuh rujukan]

Per tahun 2012, akumulasi pendapatan turnamen pokernya mencapai $1.029.358.[3]

Andrew Feldman Poker Player

Referensi[sunting sunting sumber]

  1. ^Oborne, Damien. 'UK PokerNews Exclusive: Interview with 888 Poker Open Winner Andrew Feldman'. UK Poker News. Diakses tanggal December 21, 2007.
  2. ^Hillary, LaClair. 'Full Tilt Signs Andrew Feldman as Youngest Online Poker Pro'. Poker Intensity. Diakses tanggal 8 March 2009.
  3. ^
Diperoleh dari ''
June 28, 2012 6:16 pm

Andrew Feldman Poker Instagram

UK poker pro Andrew Feldman recently appeared on an episode of reality TV series The Secret Millionaire, in which incognito millionaires go and live in impoverished communities before giving away thousands of pounds to the needy.
The show also provided a rare insight into the world of a poker professional, albeit it one with a self-proclaimed gambling addiction, whose family helped set his feet on solid ground.
At 24, Andrew Feldman is said to be now worth around £6 million having racked up his first £100,000 by the age of 18 playing online poker. However, Feldman soon realized he had a gambling problem after watching 9 months of online grinding, as well as his £100,000 bankroll, disappear in the space of just one night. As Feldman explains:
“One night, I was coming home from the casino where’d I’d lost quite a bit of I was a bit steamed up. I thought yeah, whatever, I’ll go and get it back from poker..It took just one bad beat and then I started playing bad and by the end of the night I’d done half the roll..within the next few hours all that had been wiped out.”
Determined to avoid such a painful experience again, Feldman said he subsequently started safeguarding his winnings by transferring them from his poker account and into his bank account where they were then invested. A big part of that decision was influenced by his parents, and as he explains; “Without my parents, I would have been just another poker player who gambled it all away.”
Instead, Andrew Feldman is set for life, providing of course, he remains free from the gambling addiction which nearly wrecked his poker career before it even got going. Nevertheless, Feldman says he is now in control of his addiction, not least as a big part of his infatuation at the time involved making vast amounts of money online. That is something he says has become a lot harder over the past few years with the increasing tide of savvy young internet pros, and as he explains:
“When I was making money it was an addiction. But the online poker industry is really a hard place to make any cash now. I don’t have the same enthusiasm I had then.”